When you want to take a web hosting, there are various options in store for you. This is why, you have to wise when you make the selection about it. This is why, people are very confused most of the times and hence they do not know what choice to make. But it has been noted in the recent years that; windows hosting is the popular choice among web masters.
The complexity of picking up a web hosting services and the perils of it:
It is becomes difficult to select a web host, and often web page owners get in trouble with what hosting company they should opt for. The Windows hosting has its pros and Linux hosting also has its advantages, but a web page owner has to select as per his or her needs. All the hosting firms in Kolkata offer both, the Linux and Windows hosting preference to their customers. And it has been noted that people are saying these days that windows hosting is much more user friendly than Linux. It is much, much easier to use and hence it has taken a giant leap over the Linux hosting system. This is why, the demand for windows hosting company in Kolkata has risen the last few decades.
Who goes for windows hosting and why they go for windows?
Windows has a brand name and many people go for that reason. But windows also gives the option to the user that they use windows based technology over their hosting. These technologies are as follows;
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The complexity of picking up a web hosting services and the perils of it:
It is becomes difficult to select a web host, and often web page owners get in trouble with what hosting company they should opt for. The Windows hosting has its pros and Linux hosting also has its advantages, but a web page owner has to select as per his or her needs. All the hosting firms in Kolkata offer both, the Linux and Windows hosting preference to their customers. And it has been noted that people are saying these days that windows hosting is much more user friendly than Linux. It is much, much easier to use and hence it has taken a giant leap over the Linux hosting system. This is why, the demand for windows hosting company in Kolkata has risen the last few decades.
Who goes for windows hosting and why they go for windows?
Windows has a brand name and many people go for that reason. But windows also gives the option to the user that they use windows based technology over their hosting. These technologies are as follows;
- ASP platform,
- ASP.NET services,
- .NET services,
- MS SQL and
- My SQL data base connection.
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