Saturday, 31 October 2015

Free Chrome Extension to Provide Flat Facebook Redesign

The criticism for outdated desktop design of Facebook is well known. Even some designers in association with web design company still question the fact that why the design of Facebook desktop site is not as good as expected. As per look Google+ and Flip board are much ahead of Facebook.

At present, flat design looks the part to modernize Facebook as it gives an edge in performance. Also, it can reduce the complex content of Facebook into a basic and easy to understand layout. Such design also allows the users to interpret the data and find the things in quick manner.

Updating the Design of Facebook

Though some part of content like timeline, games and photos may be relevant, but too much of any stuff may give detrimental result. Hence some essential steps for redesigning of an interface to please users on the Internet include:

  • Illusion of invisibility – While designing of a new interface, the motivations of the user right alongside any financial interests must be duly considered. The companies first of all need to draw attention to themselves along with great new features. But users tend to prefer the opposite.

    The most useful UIs are the ones which are forgotten about their presence. Similar to an invisible hand, they have been known to guide the user completely in their goals easily. The Slippy UX is designed for enabling the user to solve their problems devoid any distraction. Removal of stats listings like “Recent Posts” and “Trending” has prevented the users from getting distracted.

  • Updated Labels – The left menu has been among the most confusing aspects of Facebook. The original design was actually an improvement on the current and existing one. In order to manage the current load of Facebook, a more efficient label system is required.

    Inclusion of the “my this, my that” format to the original menu contribute in adding of a nice personal touch. The Flat label of Facebook is logical, consistent and self-evident.

  • Reducing page-to-page friction – Good designs have been known to reduce the amount of clicking to a minimum. At present in Facebook, leaving the main page contributes in disappearing of the menu hence forcing the users to go into extra clicks. Simply a sticky menu was considered to be the best solution which never leaves even on the profile page of own.

  • Streamlining the typeface – Flat typography has contributed in encouraging website designers to think in a more careful manner about every type of selection. Even serif typefaces have been known to evolve with simpler letter forms becoming the norm hence allowing the content to shine through.

    Flat interface of Facebook opened up a lot of doors for typography with the freedom to be seen. Trebuchet for typeface because it is still friendly and the curvature helps to populate the space. The typeface of social network needs to be clear and inviting to the users.

  • Bold strokes of color – Colors create an instantly understandable emotional language. A successful update to Facebook may require a new coat of paint. Less gradients lead to less visual noise for easy searching and navigation for the user. CSS style has been used to completely flatten the color palette.

    For backgrounds and menus, bold and bright colors create a natural contrast, drawing the viewer towards the content and navigation.

  • Embracing white space – White space impacts the visuals of a site as much as color and typography. As white space improves comprehension, it has been regarded as the perfect medicine for sites like Facebook which suffer from overcrowding.  Also the content becomes more scan able along with being legible.

    Stretching of each content card was the best solution to get rid of awkward extra space. Without the right-hand stats column, there was plenty of room to play around with.

Final Consideration

The redesign needed to be better, but also familiar. With the Facebook Flat chrome extension, the goal is to return Facebook to a more content-focused design by applying the usability principles of flat design.

You can also read - 6 Web Design Tips to Maximize Conversion Rate

Saturday, 17 October 2015

6 Web Design Tips to Maximize Conversion Rate

There remain certain questions regarding implementation of the designing of a website in order to maximize conversions. Though there are several factors including customer base and product that exist in the process, none will suffice for every business.

Tips Regarding Website Design Services for Maximizing Conversion

Some important tips regarding website design services in order to maximize conversions include:

Keen eye for a laser focused design – While creating of a laser focused design, a keen eye is required for balanced interfaces along with natural rhythm along with practice. These may let one into a familiar process. It is very much essential to question own process.

Though a well converting layout is acutely more important, a well crafted design can easily enhance the experience of the user. A direct focus on the user conversion rates along with some helpful ideas is important. The process of converting new users with more signups requires practice for achieving proficiency.

Flowing Movement – Capturing of the interest of the visitors along with hopefully getting a successful CTA before they leave must be the main goal. The process must be broken down from a mechanical procedure along with looking at it in the eyes of flowing movement. The conversion process is an appeal to emotions and personal connections.

Creating of an environment which will foster curiosity and push users towards the moment of immersion must be the mostly preferred job. The buttons must be noticeable along with being fully blended, easily readable and cryptic in nature. Page flow also relates to the flow of contextual information along with flow of user interactions.

Structured Information Architecture – Reaching a natural flow is not an easy breeze as it sounds. The way users view a webpage along with their ways of interacting with content must be duly considered. Information architecture is among those broad subjects which apply to all forms of digital designing.

Wire framing is considered to be a very good step for getting a healthy architecture in order to get content structures in a usable fashion. Effort must still be given to build up own library of visual ideas and resources. A healthy love for the web along with websites in general is necessary. The eyes must be kept open for new ideas, cool effects and appealing methods.

Writing of Great Copy – After structuring of the framework for a website, the innards must be implanted surgically. The designers must always have a good control over a website unlike building of Frankestein’s monster. Hence, written page copy can be easily considered to be an important factor.

The tone of writing on a landing page hinges greatly on the audience. All the points must be highly thought provoking and the important stuff must be kept near the top. Repetition of information must be avoided and can be easily replaced by helpful items like graphics and video presentation. More buttons can also be added.

Systematic Page Elements
– Mixing of a lot of page elements into a big bundle of laundry will let easy finding out of putting wrong items together. A webpage focused on user conversions will split up each section into parts dedicated to a specific subject.

Mixing of too many different items together in the same page section must be avoided. Using of focal points and cues will assist in the successful selling of the CTA. Arrows, bright circles, big graphics and vector characters help to build brand recognition and draw attention.

IncentivizeIn order to bulk up conversion numbers, additional something for free must be offered. It assists a lot to help to give visitors some incentive for going through the conversion process. This technique must be played with to find the best.

Inclusion of e-mail subscription box, extra profile features can add to great achievements.

You can also read - How to Select a Competent Website Designing Company

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

5 Tips How to Make a Professional Looking Website

Just like our daily life’s fashion, even website designing is changing in a very robust and a continuous way. More new things are coming up in the domain and trends are also getting more exposure thanks to it. Creating a website can mean making sure that everything looks professional and appealing in it. 
So in order to make you more knowledgeable in this regard, let us take a look at the 5 most important things that you have to keep up with whilst making a new web site design.

  • Keep It Clean And Clear
Too many icons, pictures, buttons, badges, signs, pop ups and banners can ruin your user experience. Hence it is advisable to make your website clean and very neat. You can incorporate white spaces and flat designs in order to keep your creation simple. Also, make content of your website the most prominent thing; this is one of the best website design tips that you can ever get.

  • Check out other websites
When you are looking to make a new website, it is always better to do some sneaking and peaking, here and there. Check out websites and their pages, see what they have done and take and jot down notes regarding them. You can also make a website just like that, hence why not!
Also, check out specific parts and aspects of a website. For example, on one site you may like the contact us page, while on the other you might like the color pattern. Get inspired and use them in your own creation or convey them to your personal website design company.

  • Use significant visualization
It is noted that people’s eyes on a web page move first from top to bottom and then from left to right. Use this advantage for your own use and place content on the most favorable sides. For example, placing a ‘buy now’ button on the top left of your page, can be beneficial for your cause. But do not clutter the whole area; just keep it simple and clean. This notion is known in the web site designing world as visualization hierarchy.

  •  Make your text content easy to see and read

Text is quite vital for any website as it allows a website to interact with the user. Just make sure that your site’s text is correctly placed and is available in a font that is suitable to read. Also, make sure that the colors you use are quite sober. For example, red over yellow won’t work. While black over white would. You do not want your users do end up with a headache, do you? Font style and size also should be appropriate, as, if they are small, they can easily kill off your viewers. Also, be consistent with your font, size and colour; do not change it from page to page.

  • Mobile version
Your website is incomplete if it cannot be accessed from the cell phones. You can use Wix site creator which has a mobile viewing editor to make your mobile version. Just make sure you incorporate the above mentioned things, as, we are sure, you do not want to miss out or lose on users.

You can also read - How to Select a Competent Website Designing Company