Thursday, 10 March 2016

How To Get Free Web Hosting Plan?

First we have to know what is web hosting? Before a website is accessible through the internet it goes through several processes. Firstly you need a web designer who will designed the web pages as per your need using different scripts, html, css etc. after the design is completed the web pages will be stored in designer computer even the design is complete the website is not ready yet to access it through internet we need to upload all the web file to the server which is world wide web. Renting server space from the provider we called web hosting. To access this by everyone you need a domain name. Domain name is a unique web address that we type in the web browser address bar. So to have a website you need three things web hosting, web designing, domain name.
There are different types of web hosting plans that are available:
  • Shared web hosting service
  • Reseller web hosting
  • Virtual dedicated server
  • Dedicated hosting service
  • Managed hosting service
  • Cloud hosting
  • Grid hosting

Free webhosting:

  • It is a limited service given by different companies for their advertisement and the accessibility is limited compared to paid hosting.
  • To get a free web hosting first you have to sign up for free web hosting plan. After the sign up process is done login in your email address to activate your web hosting plan.
  • Then go to your web hosting service site and login in your account with your user name and password. Then copy your main hosting details to visit the website.
  • After opening your website click on create domain name then register you domain name. Choose the option free domain name to get free web hosting and free domain name plan.
  • After that you have to manage your website expiry date through control panel.
  • Generally free web hosting plan are for limited period. After the expiry of that period you have to switched to paid plans.

So these are the easy process you can follow to get you own free web hosting. by using your own domain name for your website or blog you can start an online business or educational site or whatever you want. you can do something independently so lets just get started.

I believe that in recent times web hosting is been a great business to work with. The web designing has changed the whole market of free web hosting for students. The world believes that they can find the solution of anything with internet but for one thing that is must not be sure because the world is not defined with the internet. The effort they put in to the science and technology is great. I have seen people working for hours in daily basis to make the lives of us simple and worthy of living.

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