That a web hosting service is required to host your Website on the internet and run your day to day online activities smoothly, is known to most of the people who are seeking to enter the realm of the internet world. However, what many people may be unaware of, is about the other services of a web hosting business and here it has been tried to throw sufficient light on this aspect to demystify this issue.
The web hosting company may offer different packages depending on the type of web hosting which are designed to meet different kinds of needs. Normally a two-page Web-site which has been set up by an individual will not need much space and a package with much lower space for the Web page will be sufficient to host the Website. However, when a multi-national company or a highly successful company set up a Website which is having high traffic rate, a simple package with a small web space will not do.
For operating a small Websites, choosing an operating system does not really matter, however when you are using an advanced Website, choosing the correct operating system matters a lot. The choice of the operating system primarily depends on the type of activities which will be carried out on the website. For example, if you decide to work with Word Press and want to install the apps for Word Press, then you need to have the operating system which runs best for with app. Therefore, it is important for you to know which apps will work best with which operating system and accordingly you need to ask your web hosting providers for that operating system to run your Website.
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What Other Activities Are Carried Out By A Web Hosting Company?
Apart from facilitating the hosting of a Website, a web hosting company offers different value added service also. Although, the nature of services provided by different companies may vary, some of the key web hosting India services are provided by all good companies. These are providing emails and registration of Domain names. The most of the important and good web hosting companies provide support for the technical aspects and these they do either through communicating by their websites or through email or sometimes by telephone.The web hosting company may offer different packages depending on the type of web hosting which are designed to meet different kinds of needs. Normally a two-page Web-site which has been set up by an individual will not need much space and a package with much lower space for the Web page will be sufficient to host the Website. However, when a multi-national company or a highly successful company set up a Website which is having high traffic rate, a simple package with a small web space will not do.
More About The Web Space:
Normally the Web space offered by a web hosting company starts with 100 MB. However depending on the requirement, the Web Space offered may go up to 2 GB also. However, 100 MB space is sufficient for a normal Website and for very busy Website; more space can be asked for.Facility Of Email Address:
Most of the company will offer an email address to you. The number of the email address provided will depend on the type of web hosting account. If it is a budgeted account, the number of an email address will be less and if it is a higher-end package, it may permit a number of emails.The Operating System:
The operating system which is offered makes a huge difference in the web hosting services package. The Web servers run on an operating system just like the personal computers run. The two major types of operating systems are UNIX and Windows. Linux is the major variant of UNIX operating system.For operating a small Websites, choosing an operating system does not really matter, however when you are using an advanced Website, choosing the correct operating system matters a lot. The choice of the operating system primarily depends on the type of activities which will be carried out on the website. For example, if you decide to work with Word Press and want to install the apps for Word Press, then you need to have the operating system which runs best for with app. Therefore, it is important for you to know which apps will work best with which operating system and accordingly you need to ask your web hosting providers for that operating system to run your Website.
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