Monday, 26 February 2018

What are the Do's and Don'ts for a new Domain Registration?

There has been a lot of ways for making a new Domain Registration. The addition of new Domain extensions has made the choice of cheapest domain registration all the more difficult. Several new Domain extensions are now listed. This means it is now possible to register new keyword extensions which are both memorable as well as descriptive. The extensions can be of industry identifiers or can represent geographical locations or skills, or social causes, professions or even interests, etc. Under these circumstances, to choose a Domain Name as per your requirement may be a daunting task.

If you make a mistake, you will have to suffer for the wrong choice which will be costly to rectify in the long run. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing and securing your Domain Name systematically. There are certain things which you should not do and certain things which you should do for choosing the correct Domain Name for your domain booking company in Kolkata. Here in this article, a following tips are discussed which may help you to take the right decision.


You need to do proper homework and draw attention of users to make a unique choice: 

Before making a selection of Domain Name for domain name registration, it is important that you should try to identify what is the key strength that can make a differentiation with your competitors and what can help you stand out from the competitors. What is your location, what is your specialized area of interest, what is your social cause and your profession, etc. all are important and can make a differentiation. You need to pick up the best thing for differentiation and make your Domain stand out in the crowd.


Do not get restricted with one popular Domain extension:

Sometimes, you may be tempted to use the .com extension very eagerly. However, the .com extension is used widely and is used in many Domain extensions for making domain registration company in Kolkata. It will not be easy to secure a .com Domain extension easily. You can give a try to new Domain Name extension instead and try to make your Domain Name unique. This way your Domain Registration will be more fruitful and meaningful.


You should consider registering with more than one Domain extension:

It will be very helpful if you can make Domain Registration with more than one Domain extension. Related extension to your Domain can be linked to the main Domain which can increase the traffic to your Website very easily and can make your Domain very popular quickly. Moreover, when you make Domain Registration in kolkata with more than one Domain extension, it will be difficult to copy your Domain name and divert the traffic from your Website to other Website. Thus, having multiple Domain extensions will be very beneficial for ensuring the success of your Website.


You should do enough research when you select one Registrar: 

The credentials of a particular Domain Registrar should be checked in details for making a proper Domain Registration. The success in your online presence will depend a lot on the choice of the domain name registration provider. Also, the length of the time the Registrar is in this Business will be very critical for you to earn a good reputation. The SSL certificates will be a must to ensure protection for you as well as for your customers. If the Domain Registrar.

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What disputes can take place with Domain Name during Domain Registration?

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

What disputes can take place with Domain Name during Domain Registration?

There are various Domain Name disputes have been noted during top domain registration company. The common issue for the dispute is that if someone has made a Domain Registration which is very similar to yours or is the same name as you have chosen, what is to be done by you. Whether you are entitled to the Domain Name transfer or not can be determined by analyzing the specific case. Here a few common key factors are being discussed for giving a hint about the Domain Name Dispute.

Whether the Domain Name had been registered before your registration:

You need to verify whether the domain name registration services with your Domain Name had been already done by somebody else. If it is found that it has already been registered by some other party then it will be a difficult case for you. This will be all the more difficult if the Domain is having an extension of .com or .org or .net. It will be needed to prove that not only the Domain has been used in bad faith, but also the Domain Registration had been made in bad faith.

Whether a Registered Trade Mark is owned by either party?

If any party owns the registered trademark which is very identical to the domain name excluding the extension of TLD like .com or, it will like having the ace of the card. It will vastly improve the chances of the success of the individual. However, if a cyber crime has this registered trademark with him, your chance of success will be lower though you have completed the cheapest domain registration.

Whether the Domain Name is of generic nature:

If the Domain Name in contention is of generic nature, it will be all the more difficult for you to establish the entitlement. However, if the Domain Name is of proprietary nature, it will be an easier case. Though it is a very difficult case of having to fight with a generic domain name registration case similar to yours, it is not impossible to fight such case. Here, you need to convince the adjudicator that the generic Domain Name has by chance became synonymous with your Domain Name.

Whether a well-known brand is included in the Domain Name:

If the Domain Registration which has been made by you represents a brand which is very well known, you will definitely have the upper hand. It will be checked whether the registrant was trying to trade off the goodwill acquired by you, or it happened by chance without knowing that you have a similar Domain Name with you.

Whether the Domain Name you have includes the name of a celebrity:

If the Domain Name in contention is being used by another person has a name of celebrity the same as yours, you stand a very good chance of getting the Domain Name transferred to you.

It is important to prove bad faith:

Whether you go through the court for resolving the dispute of Domain Registration with the same Domain Name by another party, the key factor which will count in your favour is your ability to prove that the Domain Registration was made in “bad faith” by the registrant. You must remember that with the more classified Domain extension such as the .com, org or .net, your task is more difficult. Here, you need to substantiate the ‘bad faith’ both for domain name registration services as well as for the use of the name being made. What disputes can take place with Domain Name during Domain Registration

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What Is The Meaning Of Web Hosting And What Are The Different Types of Hosting Services?

Monday, 12 February 2018

What Is The Meaning Of Web Hosting And What Are The Different Types of Hosting Services?

You might have opened a new Website and that too you might have done it designed by a professional Website Designer with an excellent Domain Name. All you need now to declare your presence online. You need that your Website should get access to the visitors easily. This is the job which can be done by a web hosting services. Web hosting service makes the Websites available online on the internet. Space in the server is created by the Web Host and this enables other computers across the world to access the Website by several means through the internet. You will get a lot of hosting services which provide several options for Web Hosting. It will depend on your need to look for the right Web Hosting service. A brief description of different types of Web Hosting services that are available on the internet will help you to make an informed decision for the right service.

Types of different Web Hosting services:

We will like to look into different services in a brief detail.

The ISPs or the Internet service providers:

The ISPs are very easily available and these types of services are normally very inexpensive. Normally the majority of the packages offered by the ISPs have a very small amount of Web Space. The service also provides tools to create and to upload the Websites very easily and quickly. The start-up Business or the people having limited Budget and want to start with a low profile having a low traffic to their Website can choose such type of service. However, this type of Web Hosting services does not offer many features which other types of services offer. Therefore for a growing linux web hosting company in Kolkata or for a Business which is going to start in a big way, this type of service may not suitable.

Free Web Hosting:

For a small scale Business, the other good option is to look for free web hosting services in Kolkata. However, the greatest drawback of such services is that they are funded by various advertising agencies and therefore a lot of pop-ups will be found there in such services. Therefore, for Business Website, this type of Web Hosting is not suitable.

Paid Web Hosting service:

The paid Web Hosting means that you need to pay certain fees for getting the space and the services on the server of the web hosting providers. The range of fees for the service can vary widely depending on your requirement. Important services like the access to the CGI, the database support, the e-commerce, the database support, the SSL, extra bandwidth, etc can be made available depending on the type of provider and the service fees.

The Domain Hosting service:

Domain Hosting can be a very good option for the small-scale Business. The Domain, Hosting will allow you to host your Website in various places, whether it is an ISP, or a free Web Hosting service, or even your own server. When you buy a Domain Name, the provider may forward all requests made for that Domain to the location of the actual Website. The Businesses can effectively brand their URL by means of such services.

Apart from the types of Web Hosting services mentioned above, there is collocation hosting and also direct Interest access in case you wish to host your Website by yourself.

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What are the ways to choose a Web Hosting Service?

Friday, 9 February 2018

What are the ways to choose a Web Hosting Service?

When you have registered your Business, it is important that you connect your Website to the internet. A Web Hosting service exactly does that. It is very important to have a proper Web Hosting service to get the best result for the Website. The internet is having several web hosting services and making a choice for the correct service often becomes difficult. How you choose the hosting service will decide the success of the Business you have. Before we discuss the factors to choose the right hosting service, let us first discuss the important types of Web Hosting services.

What are the types of Hosting plan: A few important types of Web Hosting services are as follows:

Shared Web Hosting:

The Share Web Hosting has been the cheapest of all plans. In this type of hosting, the hosting server is shared among multiple users. However, one individual can use only one Domain and also there is a limitation of storage capacity, as well as bandwidth and a few other features in such type of plan. The start-up Businesses can be best benefitted in such plans. Also, the individuals who want to start a blog and want to continue in the Business in a low profile can get very benefitted by such plan.

The use of dedicated servers:

The Dedicated server is for use of a sole organisation or person. The best web hosting company, who have a good growth rate and also anticipate good progress over the passage of time, will benefit from a dedicated server. The best option may be to go for a shared Web Hosting service at the beginning and later upgrade to a Dedicated Web Hosting service. The advantage of such Web Hosting service is that you get a dedicated server with unlimited bandwidth and storage space which will be very helpful to support a growing Business. If you are opting for a shared type of hosting plan, you may check whether future up gradation to a dedicated plan is possible or not. However, the Dedicated Web Hosting service will be costlier than the shared hosting service.

The ecommerce type of Hosting plan:

In between the shared and the Dedicated Web Hosting, there is the Reseller hosting plan. This ecommerce web hosting plan allows its customers to have multiple plans for them which can operate in a single account. Also, this plan can be afforded quite easily by the Small Business owners.

The factors influencing the selection of the Hosting provider:

The selection for a right Web Hosting service is influenced by several factors which are discussed as follows:

The Cost of the service:

Though the consideration for the cost of Web Hosting service is totally justified, it is advised that you should try to avoid free Hosting services. This type of Hosting services is quite unreliable and will cause a lot of trouble for you in future. Also, you will face a lot of advertisement on your Website which is totally unwanted.

The customer reviews give useful feedback:

You will get a lot of insight about a particular web hosting services once you go through the customer review. Reviews given by the present customers as well as the past customers should be seen with interest.

What is the quality of the customer support?

The customer support can influence the choice of a Hosting service greatly. The Web Hosting service having a strong repute of customer support service is always popular.

The storage and the bandwidth:

Check the bandwidth and the storage that is being provided by a Web Hosting service and also check the possibilities of up gradation in future.

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Friday, 2 February 2018

What are the tips to do a good Domain Registration?

The most important thing for building a Website is to make a good and proper Domain Registration. However, a proper and good Domain Registration is only possible if you have chosen a best domain registration company. The hardest part of creating a Website is to find the right Domain Name. If you have opened a Website after making the necessary Domain Registration and find it difficult to transfer the users to the new URL, you should know that the problem is most likely with the choice of the Domain Name. Here, a few important criteria for choosing a correct and useful Domain Name is discussed for your perusal.

The choice of the right name of your Brand:

There are cases where Domain Names are tried to be selected as per the name of your Brand. But many times, the right cheapest domain registration with your Brand is not available and you may have to compromise with the name that is available. The right thing may be that you should first check what URLs are available and then you should choose the name of your brand. You need to be creative and should check who is using the same name or some similar name. It is absolutely desirable that you should be original, innovative and creative when choosing the name of the brand. It is the same way of choosing a product.

It will not be justified to choose a Domain Name based on the keyword of the URL only:

Though it is a significant factor, it is to be remembered that the main keywords are not the main issue for getting high ranking for your Domain Name. You should be able to think a brand-related memorable domain name registration services, but getting obsessed with such an available Domain Name will be a mistake. It is also required that you should choose a short and catchy Domain Name. The serious issue among other few serious issues is the Domain Abuse for the Domain Names.

Don’t act over smart: Sometimes out of over-enthusiasm and trying to prove superiority, complex and hard to understand Domain Names are chosen for Domain Registration. This type of Domain Names is often complex and very difficult to remember by the people. You should always try to choose a simple name having a very simple spelling.

Choice of a proper Domain Extension is very crucial:

Though there are a lot of choice for Domain extension for Domain Registration, the choice of an important Domain extension for making a good Domain Registration is very essential. The most popular Domain Extensions are .com, .org, .net and these Domain extensions are followed by other Domain extensions also. You can try to find out what type of extensions is popular in the search engines and can choose such extensions also.

Another important issue: It is very important that the domain registration company which has been chosen for making Domain Registration is not infringing on someone else’s copyright. Also, it will be great if you choose the Domain Registration for a maximum period. The choice of greater length of the period will ensure that the Domain Name is renewed for Registration at the right time and never has the chance to be deactivated. You should see that the above mentioned few points are followed before making a Domain Registration to ensure success for your Website.

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Thursday, 1 February 2018

Why we need Web Hosting at all to get success in Business?

It is important to know first the meaning of Web Hosting before we go deeper in the subject. The purpose of web hosting is to allow a person to present a Website on the Internet. The hosting need to be made a custom or a specific Domain Name as per the specific requirement of the type of work you like to carry on. You need to have a space for the working of the Website and also you need to have bandwidth depending on the purpose of your Website.

If you are having a high traffic and a very busy Website, you may have to go for high-frequency storage space and higher bandwidth and if you are working with a blog only you may be working well with a limited bandwidth and storage space also. The fees for the web hosting service will vary according to the facilities that you may take from them. The Web Hosting service uses high-performance industrial computers with high Bandwidth which will be running continuously which may not be possible to be done by a Domestic PC.

The reason for taking the Web Hosting service:

When you take a Domain Name and make a Website, you may think that it will be sufficient to make your Website live on the internet and to make it available to persons all over the world. However, the thing which needs to be clear is that the Domain Name will serve the purpose of recognising your Website to the traffic that will be likely to visit your Website. Theoretically, our computers at home can be used to host a Website and to make the pages of the Website available to the users. However, it is to be remembered that a household PC cannot perform the demand from several visitors at a time due the limitation of the bandwidth.

Also it is not possible to store huge amount of data in a household PC. The computer also needs to run all the time and the outage in the service is not acceptable. Here comes the need for the Web Hosting services who can make it possible to host the Website safely and to make it available to the customers at all point in time. The Web servers that these best web hosting company have can store huge amount of Website files and also can provide high frequency connection. You can also get some very good value-added services like affiliate programme, add-ons, etc.

Types of Web Hosting services: 

You will find many types of Web Hosting services and you may have to choose the right one depending on your need. The list can be summarised as follows:

Shared Hosting service

Reseller Hosting service

Cloud-Based Hosting

VPS Hosting

Dedicated Web Hosting service

Collocation Hosting

How you should select the provider of Web Hosting?

You may find various providers of the hosting service in the market. But it is not an easy task to choose the right Web Hosting service to provide for your Business. We have to consider a few issues for this job. You have to find the relevant reviews of a linux web hosting providers and also you should check the testimonials of the provider. Apart from this the other issues like the cost of the package, the amount of Web Space being provided, the Bandwidth which you will get and the customer service are the critical ones to choose a Web Hosting service.

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