You might have opened a new Website and that too you might have done it designed by a professional Website Designer with an excellent Domain Name. All you need now to declare your presence online. You need that your Website should get access to the visitors easily. This is the job which can be done by a web hosting services. Web hosting service makes the Websites available online on the internet. Space in the server is created by the Web Host and this enables other computers across the world to access the Website by several means through the internet. You will get a lot of hosting services which provide several options for Web Hosting. It will depend on your need to look for the right Web Hosting service. A brief description of different types of Web Hosting services that are available on the internet will help you to make an informed decision for the right service.
Apart from the types of Web Hosting services mentioned above, there is collocation hosting and also direct Interest access in case you wish to host your Website by yourself.
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Types of different Web Hosting services:
We will like to look into different services in a brief detail.The ISPs or the Internet service providers:
The ISPs are very easily available and these types of services are normally very inexpensive. Normally the majority of the packages offered by the ISPs have a very small amount of Web Space. The service also provides tools to create and to upload the Websites very easily and quickly. The start-up Business or the people having limited Budget and want to start with a low profile having a low traffic to their Website can choose such type of service. However, this type of Web Hosting services does not offer many features which other types of services offer. Therefore for a growing linux web hosting company in Kolkata or for a Business which is going to start in a big way, this type of service may not suitable.Free Web Hosting:
For a small scale Business, the other good option is to look for free web hosting services in Kolkata. However, the greatest drawback of such services is that they are funded by various advertising agencies and therefore a lot of pop-ups will be found there in such services. Therefore, for Business Website, this type of Web Hosting is not suitable.Paid Web Hosting service:
The paid Web Hosting means that you need to pay certain fees for getting the space and the services on the server of the web hosting providers. The range of fees for the service can vary widely depending on your requirement. Important services like the access to the CGI, the database support, the e-commerce, the database support, the SSL, extra bandwidth, etc can be made available depending on the type of provider and the service fees.The Domain Hosting service:
Domain Hosting can be a very good option for the small-scale Business. The Domain, Hosting will allow you to host your Website in various places, whether it is an ISP, or a free Web Hosting service, or even your own server. When you buy a Domain Name, the provider may forward all requests made for that Domain to the location of the actual Website. The Businesses can effectively brand their URL by means of such services.Apart from the types of Web Hosting services mentioned above, there is collocation hosting and also direct Interest access in case you wish to host your Website by yourself.
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