When you have registered your Business, it is important that you connect your Website to the internet. A Web Hosting service exactly does that. It is very important to have a proper Web Hosting service to get the best result for the Website. The internet is having several web hosting services and making a choice for the correct service often becomes difficult. How you choose the hosting service will decide the success of the Business you have. Before we discuss the factors to choose the right hosting service, let us first discuss the important types of Web Hosting services.
What are the types of Hosting plan: A few important types of Web Hosting services are as follows:
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Why we need Web Hosting at all to get success in Business?
What are the types of Hosting plan: A few important types of Web Hosting services are as follows:
Shared Web Hosting:
The Share Web Hosting has been the cheapest of all plans. In this type of hosting, the hosting server is shared among multiple users. However, one individual can use only one Domain and also there is a limitation of storage capacity, as well as bandwidth and a few other features in such type of plan. The start-up Businesses can be best benefitted in such plans. Also, the individuals who want to start a blog and want to continue in the Business in a low profile can get very benefitted by such plan.The use of dedicated servers:
The Dedicated server is for use of a sole organisation or person. The best web hosting company, who have a good growth rate and also anticipate good progress over the passage of time, will benefit from a dedicated server. The best option may be to go for a shared Web Hosting service at the beginning and later upgrade to a Dedicated Web Hosting service. The advantage of such Web Hosting service is that you get a dedicated server with unlimited bandwidth and storage space which will be very helpful to support a growing Business. If you are opting for a shared type of hosting plan, you may check whether future up gradation to a dedicated plan is possible or not. However, the Dedicated Web Hosting service will be costlier than the shared hosting service.The ecommerce type of Hosting plan:
In between the shared and the Dedicated Web Hosting, there is the Reseller hosting plan. This ecommerce web hosting plan allows its customers to have multiple plans for them which can operate in a single account. Also, this plan can be afforded quite easily by the Small Business owners.The factors influencing the selection of the Hosting provider:
The selection for a right Web Hosting service is influenced by several factors which are discussed as follows:The Cost of the service:
Though the consideration for the cost of Web Hosting service is totally justified, it is advised that you should try to avoid free Hosting services. This type of Hosting services is quite unreliable and will cause a lot of trouble for you in future. Also, you will face a lot of advertisement on your Website which is totally unwanted.The customer reviews give useful feedback:
You will get a lot of insight about a particular web hosting services once you go through the customer review. Reviews given by the present customers as well as the past customers should be seen with interest.What is the quality of the customer support?
The customer support can influence the choice of a Hosting service greatly. The Web Hosting service having a strong repute of customer support service is always popular.The storage and the bandwidth:
Check the bandwidth and the storage that is being provided by a Web Hosting service and also check the possibilities of up gradation in future.You Can Also Read -
Why we need Web Hosting at all to get success in Business?
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